Global Network Monitoring Tool

Linkage and Associates has developed an auto-discovering network monitoring platform that supports a wide range of hardware platforms, Applications and operating systems including Cisco, Windows, Linux, HP, Juniper, Dell, MAC OSX, FreeBSD, F5, Brocade, Citrix Netscaler, NetApp and many more.


This unique Global Network Monitoring Tool (GNMT) addresses the importance of Business Intelligence Management that ask the questions:


Diagnostic – What happened?

Descriptive – Why did it happen?

Predictive – What is likely to happen?

Prescriptive – What should we do about it (Automated Learning and Problem Solving)?


* System can monitor a global network of systems and devices from a central location.

* Real-time alerts sent to specified staff indicating existing or possible network problems down to the device level.

* Management reports can be sent to specified staff on a regular basis or upon request.

* Global maps can be easily produced and made available.

* All system patches automatically monitored on all devices on a global basis


Observium® is the core product used to achieve a powerful yet simple and intuitive interface to the health and status of network and server operations. Our Global Network Monitoring Tool combines a number of open source applications that can monitor, predict, respond and alert on a multitude of issues without any administrator intervention.

Client Tracking and Services Software

Our firm has over 15 years of experience in developing and supporting Client Tracking and Services software for all types of organizations. Our extensive library of templates allows us to quickly develop an application for any organization. Our software allows an organization to track clients, client services, time spent per client and many more categories.


Client statistical information can be automatically summarized and electronically submitted to designated recipients. All reporting requirements for state and federal agencies can also be integrated into the system.